2024-12-18 16:49:00
For the convenience of our glasses placement,glasses case is invented.
Who is the first inventor?
What about the history?
How many forms?
1, Glasses were invented on mid-thirteenthcentury by British philosopher Francis • Fry Bacon. Of course glasses should beafter that.
2, There are many types and styles of pendantaccessories in Qing Dynasty, small shape and various materials. Like jade, lapislazuli, gold inlaid turquoise, Sandalwood, Jin Bo, Venus enamel, coral stone, glassand some other different materials. There are also a variety of embroiderypieces, including sachets, sachets, fan cover, glasses case, strap, steel bagsand fast boards. These are all the accessoriesat the waist in Qing dynasty. And are liked both by wan and woman,especially at late Qing dynasty. Tapestry glasses boxes. (We don’t know if thereanything similar before)
3.Our factory’s items: Metal case, PUsurface case, EVA case, plastic case also have glasses bag, leather sewing caseand some other kinds.